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Rickettsial Disease

Date: 2023-11-02

Topic: Rickettsial Disease

  1. What do I do if I or my child receives a tick bite in an area endemic to rickettsial disease?

There is no role for prophylaxis against rickettsial diseases for patients who have suffered tick bites.

  1. Are there differences between typhoid and typhus?

Typhoid, or typhoid fever, is a separate entity from typhus. Typhoid is an enteric infection caused by Salmonella typhi and is unrelated to the rickettsial diseases.

  1. If I contract a rickettsial illness, can I get that illness or a similar illness again?

With the exception of scrub typhus and diseases involving Ehrlichia, infection with a rickettsial organism confers immunity to other rickettsia within the same group.


(Modified from 5-Minute Pediatric Consult book)

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view:662updated date:2024-03-13