
Would-be Academic Medical Center:2901 days remain


We held a liver transplant celebration party for our very first successful live-doner-transplantation case right before Mother’s Day.

Date: 2024-05-09

Happy Mother’s Day! We recently joined hands with the liver transplant team of the Tri-Service General Hospital to complete two living donor liver transplants in Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital. The hospital held a warm Mother’s Day celebration tea party on the 8th. It was hosted by Superintendent Hsieh. The two patients in the hospital who had successfully undergone liver transplant surgery were specially invited to celebrate their recovery. Both of their children were willing to donate their liver themselves to show their gratefulness for being raised by their parents. It made this year’s event uniquely meaningful.

We, Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital, will also keep excelling in our medical services, cultivating our staff to learn various latest medical techniques by exchanges with the other medical centers. We need to be the medical center in the south to benefit our service members and the civilians in the region.

view:429updated date:2024-05-20
view:429updated date:2024-05-20